General Practice Extraction Service

Earlier this year we publicised the pending NHS Digital GP Data for Planning and Research (GPDfPR) GP record data extraction and your ability to opt-out. The programme was scheduled for launch in July and then delayed until September. It has now been delayed indefinitely

Concerns were raised by patients and GPs about potential problems with the programme. NHS Digital have listened to those concerns and have decided to delay the programme until the issues raised can be resolved. 

Specifically, the programme will only restart once the following important standards are met:

  • The ability for patients to opt out or back in to sharing their GP data with NHS Digital, with data being deleted even if it has been uploaded, and outstanding opt outs being processed.
  • A Trusted Research Environment is available where approved researchers can work securely on de-identified patient data which does not leave the environment, offering further protections and privacy while enabling collaboration amongst trusted researchers to further benefit patients.  
  • A campaign of engagement and communication has increased public awareness of the programme, explaining how data is used and patient choices

If you have already opted out, that opt-out will remain valid if and when the programme restarts. You may now wish to opt back in. Contact our admin team who will be able to help you to do this.

As noted above, before the programme restarts there will be a significant campaign to ensure you are informed and aware of choices you can make about it.

More information about the changes can be found on the NHS Digital website.

Last modified: July 21, 2021