First Contact Physiotherapy Service

The surgery has a first contact physiotherapy service, which means patients aged 16 years or over with a musculoskeletal problem (a bone, joint, or muscle pain or injury) can see a physiotherapist directly, rather than needing to see a GP first. First contact physiotherapists are advanced physiotherapists who can diagnose musculoskeletal problems and provide first-line treatment and management advice. If it is required, our first contact physiotherapists can:

  • request diagnostics such as blood tests, X-rays and scans
  • administer corticosteroid injections
  • make referrals into other services such as orthopaedics and rheumatology
  • provide a fit note.

The first contact physiotherapy service is particularly suitable if you have a new musculoskeletal problem that has developed over recent months, because it enables early access to a musculoskeletal specialist to help you get on the road to recovery quickly. Just contact the surgery and ask to make an appointment with one of our physios.

County Durham Integrated MSK Service

The local NHS trust also runs a musculoskeletal (MSK) service, details of which can be found here:

CDDFT Musculoskeletal Services

If you have a musculoskeletal problem that requires longer-term management than can be offered by our first contact physiotherapists, then you may be referred to the MSK service. Patients can also self-refer to the MSK service here:

The MSK service website also provides some excellent resources to help you manage your conditions yourself:

Self Help Resources for Joint or Muscle Pians and Injuries

Alternatively, please send an eConsult to the surgery and we will get back to you by the end of the next working day.